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Watch the Regatta Radio World Rowing Championships 2011 Video...
...Or Listen to the Regatta Radio World Rowing Championships 2011 Highlights Audio
Click here.
Our Broadcast of the World Rowing Championships 2011 is Now Over
We've enjoyed it immensely, we'd like to thanks all our supporters, contributors, listeners and the organising committee. It has been a very sucessful regatta. We just hope you enjoyed as much as we did. Audio highlights packages are available by clicking here and you can see a slideshow of the photos we took by clicking here.
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Get Up-to-date with Our Latest Set of Interviews including Sir Steve Redgrave, Lord Coe and Dennis Oswald President of FISA
Click here for a full listing.
Photos from the World Rowing Junior Championships 2011 at Dorney Lake
Click here to get a taste of the action. Thanks to Danny Cox for the photographs.
The World Rowing Junior Championships 2011 at Dorney Lake
The World Rowing Junior Championship 2011 is well underway and what a fantastic event it is. Bathed in sunshine at a superlative venue 48 nations competing it must be regarded as a triumph. If the venue is accessible to you we'd throughly recommend that you make your way down here (SL4 6QP for those of you with SatNav, Grid Ref SU935776 if you're using an OS Map - it's well signposted)- you won't be disappointed! If not then you can listen to the action here on Regatta Radio. Only available via internet streaming or on our earpieces if you're on the site. For more details go to
Listen Live to Regatta Radio at The World Rowing Junior Championships 2011
Click on the "Listen Live" red button at the top right hand corner of this, or any other screen, on our website alternatively click here. You'll need a media player to get going. We've got a photographer on the course today and we'll be loading lots of photographs up onto this website later.
For more information about race times and times of the broadcasts go to
Listen to the Highlights from The World Rowing Junior Championships 2011
Below you'll find a selection of our best features audio clips from our coverage so far.
Dennis Oswald President of FISA
GB JM8+-Silver Medal Winners
GB JW4--Silver medal winners
German JM4--Winners
German JW Quad-World Champions
Italian JW2--World Champions
JM4+ Winners-Australia
JW4x Dutch-Silver Medal Winners
Lord Coe - Chairman of the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games
Lord Coe with Martin Unsworth
Sir Steve Redgrave
Canadian Womens Coxless 4 with Freddie Foks
Italian Coach with Freddie Foks
GB Mens Quad
Ian Lawson Coach Junior Mens Quad
Natalie Campbel Team Liason
Rachel Quarrell Sat Preview
Rachel Quarrell Saturday Racing Change
Ben Hunt Davis Interview
Colin Moynihan Interview
Di Ellis Interview
Di Ellis 2 Interview
Fiona Dennis Volunteer Interview
Australia Fans Interview with Freddie Foks
Canada Fans Interview with Freddie Foks
Pakistan Interview with Freddie Foks
River Rowing Museum Interview
Rachel Quarrell - Fri Preview
Rachel Quarrell - Olympics Test Event
Rachel Quarrell - Prospects
Rachel Quarrell - Recent Events
Rachel Quarrell - Weather
Rachel Quarrell - What makes a great event
Rachel Quarrell - Who Is A Junior
Rachel Quarrell - World Rowing
Tessa Miller Olympic Reunion Interview
Regatta Radio Wins the Exclusive Radio Rights to Cover World Rowing Junior Championship at Dorney Lake on August 3rd - 7th 2011
Test events for London 2012 are starting to happen in the various Olympic venues this summer. The test event for rowing is scheduled to take place at the Eton College rowing lake in Dorney, just outside Maidenhead. The Olympic Rowing Regatta will be held between 28 July - 4 August, exactly 12 months from now.
This test event for this venue is the World Rowing Junior Championships which will take place between 3 – 7 August (next week). Many of the systems and procedures for the Olympic Regatta will be tested then, giving junior rowers from all over the world an early taste of the Games. Complementing the on course commentary team will be Regatta Radio. The Henley based team behind broadcast coverage of Henley Royal Regatta for the last six years has been selected as a partner by British Rowing to re-broadcast the on-course commentary and provide original programming with previews, interviews and highlights packages.
“It’s a real complement to be chosen for the Junior Champs,” said Regatta Radio Chairman Peter McConnell, “all the hard work the team has put in over the years at Henley is starting to play dividends. Our coverage will enhance spectators experience and if you can’t be there you can always listen in online. We hope this is just the first of a number of other sporting events we aim to work with.”
Spectators at the World Rowing Junior Championships will be able to purchase an exclusive ear-piece radio tuned into the Regatta Radio coverage, and if you want to listen online there will be a link on and
The timetable for Saturday and Sunday has been revised to allow for some inclement weather which is anticipated on Sunday. For more details visit
Join Our Growing List of Followers of Regatta Radio on Twitter!
There are currently have over 900 followers of join our growing band of followers! You'll get the latest updates of what's going on at the station and other tidbits from in and around the Regatta Radio site. .
We've put our Last Set of Photos from Finals Day Up
Click here to preview and/or look at a slideshow. Thanks to Will Smith for the photos.
Sadly It's All Over...
...and we've stopped broadcasting. We hope you've enjoyed our coverage. We're planning to be back next year. There's one or two more bit and pieces still to be loaded on the website. We'd like to say what an enjoyable experience it has been. Congratulations to the Stewards and all those involved in organising the Regatta, it just gets better and better.
Freddie Foks Interviews the Winners (and others) at the Prize Giving
You should listen to this, it's marvellous stuff. Two great interviews - to listen to Part 1 click here and for Part 2 click here Together they provide a great affirmation of what a magnificent sport rowing is and a fitting finale to what has been a wonderful Henley Royal Royal Regatta 2011 - well done Freddie!
Mystic Henley Winner Announced
Oscar Schonfeld is the delighted winner of Mystic Henley. We're still trying to work out how to get his prize to him.
Prize Giving at 4:30
Sir Chris Hoy the famed Olympian cyclist will be presenting the prizes.
If You Missed It, Listen to the Final of The Grand
Click here.
Sunday's (and Saturday's and Friday's and Thursday's and Wednesday's) Racing Audio Highlights Available On-line
All 19 finals are now up on-line. Click here to access them.
Plaudits from Appreciative Listeners
Click here to read their pleasing tributes.
Records Tumbling at the Henley Royal Regatta
It's Finals Day and records are falling here at Henley Royal Regatta listen on-line click here.
It's Finals Day...
...and we have a near perfect summer's day and 19 cracking races for you. If you can get down here, it's going to be marvellous, if you can't make it then listen to it all here on Regatta Radio. Here's the timetable.
11.30 Race No 1 P. Albert-Oxford Brookes University 'A' vs Harvard University 'A', USA
11.40 Race No 2 Temple-Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA vs A.S.R. Nereus, NED
11.50 Race No 3 PRCC-M. Knapkova, CZE vs G.L. Stone, USA
12.00 Race No 4 Ladies'-Leander Club 'A' vs Berliner R.C. & ORC Rostock, GER
12.10 Race No 5 Doubles-M.W. Wells & R.M. Bateman vs D.W. Crawshay & S. Brennan, AUS
12.20 Race No 6 Remenham-Leander Club & Gloucester R.C. vs Princeton T C, USA
12.30 Race No 7 Diamonds-N. Hudson, AUS vs A.W. Campbell
12.40 Race No 8 P. Wales-Leander Club 'A' vs The Tideway Scullers' School 'A'
12.50 Race No 9 Goblets-L. Carboncini & N. Mornati, ITA vs P.K. Reed & A. Triggs Hodge
2.30 Race No 10 Britannia-London R.C. 'A' vs Banks R.C., AUS
2.40 Race No 11 Visitors'-N.U.I. Galway & Gráinne Mhaol B.C., IRL vs Leander & Imperial Coll. London
2.50 Race No 12 Thames-Star Club vs Upper Yarra R.C., AUS
3.00 Race No 13 Stewards'-Leander Club & Molesey B.C. vs Chula Vista Training Center, USA
3.10 Race No 14 PE-St. Andrew's School, USA vs Abingdon School
3.20 Race No 15 QM-Leander Club & Reading University vs Mladost & Tresnjevka, CRO
3.30 Race No 16 Grand-Hansa Dortmund, GER vs Molesey B.C. & Leander Club
3.40 Race No 17 P.Grace-Princeton T C 'B', USA vs Australian Inst. of Sport 'B', AUS
3.50 Race No 18 Wyfold-London R.C. 'A' vs Nottingham R.C. 'A'
4.00 Race No 19 Fawley-Sydney R.C., AUS vs Walton R.C. 'A'
We'll be broadcasting them all live here on Regatta Radio.
Regatta Service
At 9:30 this morning the Regatta Service was held in St Mary's Church in Henley, as ever the church was packed. Regatta Radio's religious affairs correspondent Caroline Thomas was in the church and recorded the sermon which we was broadcast during the luncheon interval. The recording is now on this website. This year's sermon was given by the Rt. Rev. Mark Jabalé O. S. B. Henley Steward and the Bishop Emeritus of Menevia click here to listen. To listen to last years sermon click here.
From Bognor to Bogota
To date visitors to our website are up more than 41% compared to last year and in the past month we have visits from Colombia, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Tanzania, The Maldives, Vietnam, Russia, China & Estonia we truly have a global reach. If you'd like to take advantage of broadcating opportunities then contact . To read more look at the Advertising page.
We'd be delighted to hear any feedback
If you've a comment on either our output on the radio or the content of our website we'd be very pleased to hear from you, irritations, more you'd like to see/hear, comments on our music, etc Please send your comments to
Here it is, the image you've all been waiting for...
... Michiel Jonkman - one of our illustrious commentators- captured outside of the Regatta Radio studio just prior to his departure for Holland. It is rumoured that this could be the last appearance of THE suit (we're sure the River & Rowing Museum would be interested ). Thanks for your efforts Michiel.
We've just posted 99 Photographs from this Year's Regatta
Click here to view. Thanks to Will Smith for the photography.
We've had a Lot of Questions asking about The Henley Partnership....
The Partnership, a not-for-profit organisation set up to identify, plan and run collaborative projects for the benefit of Henley.
The Partnership brings together the people of Henley for the increasing good of the town, whether they are a resident, in business or represent a local authority.
If You're Coming Down to the Regatta Don't Forget Your Own Regatta Radio Earpiece!
Click here for more details.
It's Competition Time!
Which crew racing today (Saturday) has the highest average weight? A Henley Royal Regatta Teddy up for grabs! (see ) Contact us, e-mail phone or text us on or you can tweet us Competition closes at 7pm this evening.
Listen to Rachel Quarrell's Review of Today's Racing - Click Here
Follow Regatta Radio on Twitter
There are currently over 850 followers of join our growing band of followers. You'll get the latest updates of what's going on at the station and other tidbits from in and around the Regatta site. .
Internet Audio Streaming
We have been experiencing problem with streaming over the internet. We have reconfigured our output stream try this new link, please let us know of any problem you experience by e-mailing us at
Duck Fight Winner
If you've been listening this morning you'll have heard Robert Treharne-Jones report on the duck fight. Listener Nick Richardson claims to have captured an image of the winner with Fawley Court in the background! - Thanks Nick.
What a Great Days Racing....
...and as we all wend our way home thinking how enjoyable it all was we ask you to reflect on the hidden brutality of Henley Royal Regatta. For 50% of the athletes who competed today it's all over. Untold (many, many) hours of sweat, toil and hardship over the winter months have come to nothing, their dreams shattered, for them a bitter sense of disappointment, we hope you'll join us in wishing them well when they come to fight another day.
Missed a Race?
If you're lucky it might be on our audio highlights page - click here.
Henley Royal Regatta is Underway...
...and the weather is set fair for the whole regatta. So if you can get yourself down to the regatta, if you can't make it you can listen to our commentary on every race either on your radio or by clicking on the bright red button on the top right hand corner of this window.
Regatta Radio is Live
Listen to us on 87.7 FM, and live on the internet by clicking here.
Get Your Own Regatta Radio Earpiece!
Click here for more details.
This Year Get the Bus Home & It's Cheap
For more details click here. Alternatively look here.
Congratulations to George Thomas & Ed Simpson and All Those who completed the Henley Swim on Sunday
Another great event well to done to all those who participated and organised this marvellous event. Credit should also got to our intrepid reporter Cindy Burrowes who was up and about at 3:30 am! For more extensive coverage click here. Click here to see our photos. Click here for the audio clips
Cindy interviewing George after his 1 mile 550 yard (2112 metres) swim.
Listen to a Selection of our 2011 Interviews including Sir Steve Redgrave
Click on this link.
Regatta Radio's Provisional Broadcasting Schedule Published
Click here for more details.
Entries for this Year's Henley Royal Regatta have been Published...
...and what an exciting line-up it is, the full GB Rowing Team of Olympic aspirants are entered into this year's Regatta.
There are 486 crews entered (181 of these crews will be eliminated in the qualifiers) There are 119 crews from overseas representing 18 different countries. There is a record entry from Australia.
Country | No. of Crews |
U.S.A. | 48 |
Australia | 29 |
Holland | 10 |
Ireland | 8 |
Germany | 6 |
China | 4 |
Italy | 3 |
Greece | 2 |
Russia | 2 |
Belarus | 1 |
Croatia | 1 |
Czech Republic | 1 |
El Salvador | 1 |
New Zealand | 1 |
Norway | 1 |
Poland | 1 |
Spain | 1 |
Switzerland | 1 |
The World Champion German and the World Silver medal British men’s eights – the latter featuring ‘comeback’ Olympian Greg Searle - will get the chance to renew their recent rivalry at Henley Royal Regatta this year in The Grand Challenge Cup.
In The Stewards’ Challenge Cup the British Men’s four including Tom James are entered.
In The Silver Goblets and Nickalls’ Challenge Cup the British pair of Peter Reed and Andy Triggs-Hodge – World Silver medallists in 2009 and 2010 – will be the favourites as they put in a winning performance at the first World Cup earlier this year in Munich.
Alan Campbell is entered in the Diamond Sculls.
"The Red Express" - Matt Wells & Marcus Bateman - are entered in the Double Sculls.
Chairman of the Committee of Management, Mike Sweeney commenting on this year's entry said “I am absolutely delighted that we have been able to attract such a high quality entry for this year’s Regatta. This is Olympic Qualification year and it is a testimony to the stature of the Regatta that so many top crews have included Henley in their Olympic preparation programmes."
For more analysis click here. For an analysis by country see here.
Regatta Site Nears Completion
Click on this link to see a slideshow of how the Regatta site looked as at Tuesday June 14th. We're all set fair for a fantastic Regatta; preparations are all well in hand at Regatta Radio, our studio is due to arrive on site as this text is being created.
Regatta Radio is back for the 6th Year
Thanks to everyone at Henley Royal Regatta for their support this year and for hosting our press launch on 23rd May.
From left; Rick White of principal sponsors Invesco Perpetual, Peter McConnell & Martin Unsworth of Regatta Radio, Mike Sweeney Chairman of Henley Royal Regatta, Cindy Burrowes, George Thomas & Robert Treharne Jones of Regatta Radio.
There has never been a better time to advertise with Regatta Radio. Regatta Radio is now in its 6th year and commands and ever growing audience both nationally and internationally. Visits to our website have increased significantly year and year and audience figures when we are streaming our broadcasts have shown similarly impressive growth - all this and an exceptional demographic profile. If you're interested in advertising with Regatta Radio then contact . To read more look at the Advertising page.
Regatta Radio on Twitter - Join our Growing List of Followers
Join the more than 600 followers of . You'll get the latest updates of what's going on at the station.
Regatta Site Construction Well Underway
Click on this link to see a slideshow of how the Regatta site looked as at Friday April 29th.
Preparations at Regatta Radio are well underway as well, if you've got any ideas/suggestions of things you'd like to hear on the radio or see here on the website then we'd be delighted to hear from you. Just send us an e-mail at
Regatta for the Disabled
Saturday 3 September 2011
Phyllis Court Club
An event not to miss!
Join us for a fun day for all the family
Dragon Boat Racing
Boat rides for the disabled and all the family
Punch and Judy
Adaptive games
Live Music
Food and Drink
Craft Stands
Face painting and lots more …..
For more information go to
Listen and Look at the Best Bits
We've collected the best audio from previous years together on a single page click here. We've got a collection of photos that you can view by clicking here.